
Black Cats!! Arent They Bad Luck!!??

I joke I joke, I kid, I kid…..unless you really are superstitious 😛 


Thank you soooo much The Finicky Cynic for the wonderful Black Cat Blue Sea Award! Everyone go check her blog out, it is super awesome and her writing voice is very upbeat and exciting. 🙂 

Let me just say that these are my favorite Black Cats of ALLLLL time! 

1st up! The suupperrrrr adorable Luna from Sailor Moon! I’m obsessed!






And of course 90’s favorite! Salem! Sabrina the Teenage Witch


Now on to lovely Qs! 
Continue reading

How Can Dragons Give Loyalty? :P

dragons-loyalty-award1 Dragons and their loyalty as long as they don’t blow fire! Haha….Thank You The Finicky Cynicat for the “Dragon’s Loyalty Award!” I haven’t done this award before, so thank you! Here are the rules:

  • Put the award’s logo on your post.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and put a link to their blog.
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers.
  • Let your nominees know you have nominated them.
  • Post 7 facts about yourself.

7 Brand New Fresh Out The Box Facts!

1. I love the concept  of Love: dates, cuddling, saying ILY, the love stares, the hand holding, togetherness, you get the idea

2. I have zero patience sometimes when it comes to people who keep asking for attention

3. I just reconnected with family and I am already regretting it 😛

4. I get hungry at the weirdest hours and then don’t even eat most of the time!

5. I just been promoted at my job! Nothing fancy though lol

6. I look at High schoolers with the “Why do they act like that face?” As if no one thought that about my generation lol

7. I am addicted to steak quesadillas!! Eat them all the time at Taco Bell 😀

I will leave this award open to the readers! I love you all! 🙂

Also, Don’t Forget! Shade But No Shade is now on Facebook! Catch Shade anytime of the day at!

To Infinity and Beyond!!

Sorry I am so late with this award, I no longer have easy access to wifi and I am not home so I try to blog when the wifi works fine on my laptop :(……But a hugeeee Thank you to the wonderful, gorgeous woman Adele: The Girl in Glasses for her sweet nomination!


  1. Thank the blog and the blogger that nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions given to you by the person that nominated you.
  3. Nominate other bloggers and get them to answer your own questions!

Adele’s lovely questions!

  • What is one of your fondest memories?

My fondest memories are of playing outside with my friends at 7-15 years old…no responsibilities except homework and bonding with friends.

  • What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to aim harder in life at your goals because you are somebody. Also be careful because not everyone you meet is your friend. Hmm what else? Oh I would tell her to save her money because she could have been on her own by 18 instead of 25! haha Continue reading

Oh I Love The Beautiful Sunshine!


Kind Thank you to Erika for nominating me for this award! No pun intended! 😉

Too bad there isn’t much sunshine this summer over here on the East Coast in NYC! Sooo much rain and it’s July! Ugh.


Anyways, here is another great award from a wonderful person and I will accept because she is great!

Uh, Yes you should check her out!


1) Thank the person that nominated you
2) Answer the questions you were given by the person who nominated you
3) Nominate some other bloggers for this award
4) Write the same amount of questions to the bloggers you have nominated
5) Notify the bloggers you have nominated

Erika’s Questions

1. What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie right now has to be Breaking Dawn Part 2 (Yup!)

2. Whose life story inspired you most? Continue reading

Premio Dardos Award!


This award is simple! Thank you to the lovely Priya for her appreciation of my randomness of rants, lifestyle, motivating posts. This award is given to show the person that they are recognized even if comments are not always made. I am so grateful. I don’t even know how I keep up with things myself as I am just as tired throughout the week, constantly being busy. I have run out of things to say for these awards. Oh my!

Anywho please check out her blog. She is a wonderful person.

Rules Need To Be Followed :

1. Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his or her blog.

2. Include the image of the “Premios Dardos” in the post.

3. Pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgement.


Shade But No Shade is now on Facebook! Catch Shade anytime of the day at!

Starlight Shining on Me!

“Star light, star bright,

The first star I see tonight;

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have the wish I wish tonight” 

-Nursery Rhyme 

Carolina is such a great star! She has invented the award for inspiring bloggers with great talent and appreciation. This award is called the Starlight Blogger Award! As in her words: The light emanating from the stars She is one creative woman as she designs her own craft (very cute items!) and her soul is big and bold for the world to love instantly. YesterdayAfter is a blog to hold onto as it belongs to a great person. Check her out! Thank you a million times over!!!

This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

Nominations Rules:
Nominate your 6 favorite bloggers! In your nominees I would like for you to think at the light emanating from the stars the ones that truly touch your soul with their work, the ones that are the light for you a true STARLIGHT Blogger.

Rules for the STARLIGHT Blogger Award:
Thank the giver and link their Blog to your post.
Answer the 3 questions given to you.
Please Pass the award on to 6 or more other Bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated by you.
Include the logo of the award in a post or on your Blog please never alter the logo and never change the rules.

Please don’t delete this note: the design for the STARLIGHT Bloggers Award has been created from YesterdayAfter is a Copyright image you cannot alter or change it in any way just pass it to others that deserve this award.
Copyright 2015 © – Design by Carolina Russo

My Questions:

1. If you describe or picture your inner soul how will you describe it?

My inner soul is a young, creative, inspiring and caring soul. It loves to support friends with a listening ear and jokes to see a smile. My soul features a mind of its own as it has that great work ethic that shows throughout my days at a job and I want nothing but the best for myself. It provides me courage and strength to take on tasks that I would probably never have done otherwise. My soul is fun and full of life!   Continue reading

Stay Guarded! Thunder is headed Your Way!


As I stumbled upon WordPress on this Tuesday Morning because I couldn’t go back to sleep at 7:30 am (too early for the screen and to be online I know), I found this gem right here. I was almost scared as I am not a fan of thunder. Haha It has also been one rainy week! Ugh I hate rain. It makes me just want to cuddle in my bed all day. Good thing for this blog however, thunder is acceptable. So with that being said……..

Thank you to the great and Fabulous Carolina over at YesterdayAfter for thinking about me when receiving this award! She seriously is one of the best jewelry designers I’ve seen as they all come from her heart. Not only that but her energy is displayed in her blog. She has such a charming soul, a great writing voice and she is just the sweetest. If you haven’t checked her out, please do. Just hover your mouse over her blog name to explore. I am very glad to have her as a follower and someone I follow as well in this lovely community! 🙂 ❤

Now on to The Rules:

  • Post it on your blog.
  • Grant other bloggers the award.What you cannot do:
    • Abuse or misuse the logo.
    • Claim that it is your own handmade logo.

    What you should do after receiving the Encouraging Thunder Award:

    • Enjoy the award!
    • At least give thanks via comments, likes and/or mentioning the blog that you received the award from.
    • Mention your purpose in blogging

    My purpose in Blogging:

  • I’ve probably answered this a million different ways and you’ve seen the same answer. Soooo here’s a new tip, I was having a bad 2014 when I said I needed something that will make me happy.I was damn near walking around with a smile on my face daily, but feeling so lost and hurt and confused on the inside all the way into Jan 2015. It was the year my family chose not to include me as a family and push me out completely so now I don’t even want to claim my last name….but more on that is coming in the future. I needed something that I can invest my time in and feel proud of something that I have done on my own. Something I can look at and say, “Girl, you are well on your way.” I live in a dog eat dog state – not world! It is full with competition everywhere and all I want to do is be noticed. Perhaps if I am lucky, a publishing company will finally notice me as I blatantly add to my resume that I am a freelance WordPress writer! I am trying to be patient. I blog for the soul purpose of me. I blog for the friends that I have made that help me and encourage me to write new posts every week. I blog, so that one day I can see my name in bookstores as a bestseller. I blog because I am also slightly addicted to it. Is that weird? Blogging has become my home away from home and I could not have been more happier than this. Choosing WordPress was the best option I could ever make when I looked at “him” and said, “Hey I want to start a blog. Think that will help my English degree?” So thus 53 posts ago came Shade But No Shade in Jan 2015, and she will be here for a pretty long time. 

BOOM! Your Turn Followers! 

Yay to Award Season! – Blog Tour Award!


Thank you a ton to the lovely Dorkchops! Her blog is full of fabulous beauty topics and lifestyle posts, I suggest you take a look! 🙂

The rules:

  1. Pass the tour on up to four other bloggers.
  2. Give your nominees the rules and a specific Monday to post.
  3. Answer four questions about your creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires you to do what you do.
    • How does my work differ from others in my genre?
    • How does my writing/creative process work?
    • Why do I write or create what I do?
    • What I’m working on at the moment?
  4. Compose a one-time post on a specific Monday (date given from your nominator).

1. How does my work differ from others in my genre?

Good question! My work is more random thoughts on topics everyone can relate to. I love adding images to express it even more. I also try to engage the readers in my content by asking questions. While some post on their day to day lives, I post on thoughts I’ve had sitting on a Word document itching to be addressed!

2. How does my writing/creative process work?

My writing process is simple: I crack open the page, think about how to start and then it takes off. My fingers and my mind knows how to collab to create a great piece and I don’t stop until it feels complete. Music is optional to motivate me more or a cup of tea/coffee. 🙂

3. Why do I write or create what I do?

I have been a writer since I was a little girl. I write/create to own my writing skills and to motivate myself to get the work done that I want to accomplish! I have become invested in getting to know others as well as letting them get to know me. I do what I do for you besides for myself?

4. What I’m working on at the moment?

I am working on the Project 10 stories right now until school is over and she is on her way to JHS! 🙂 🙂 As well as those 3 novels that will be happening!

The Monday I choose for the nominees is June 1st! Post anything you want on this particular day! Just pingback your own Blog Tour Award post on that day! 🙂 

My nominees are:

The V-Pub

Imperfect Girl

Smiley Like I mean It

The Girl In Glasses




Please check them out! All these bloggers are great writers!

Shade But No Shade is now on Facebook! Catch Shade anytime of the day at!

Whoop There It Is!


Yippie! Thank you! What a great Birthday week so far! (Birthday tomorrow with a special post!)

I was nominated by the lovely Yesterday After! Thank you girl! 🙂 Please visit her blog! She creates wonderful posts and jewelry.

Rules for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award:

Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
Answer the 10 questions given to you.
Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of their choice and let them know that they have been nominated.
Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog

Yesterday After’s Questions:

1. Why do you have a Blog?

I wanted to get back in the feeling of writing in routine so I can continue to write those 3 novels! 

2. What inspire you the most?

What inspires me the most is seeing good novels posted. It makes me want to be just like them 🙂 

3. Do you like to create your work on day or night?

I like to create my work at night.

4. What is your favourite book? and why?

Ooooo! Favorite book! That would have to be The Kat Trap by Cairo  Continue reading

Creative Brain Cells Unite!

creativebloggeraward  liebster2

Whoa! Award overload! 😀 These last couple of weeks have been sooooo amazing! Thank you to everyone that believes in me. Seriously! *(I probably can never be one of those Oscar winners because I would freeze on stage! lol)

For now, *celebratory dance (also known as the Shmoney dance)*

Hehe, Btw You will never see me do this in person! 😀

So I was nominated for the Creative Blogger Award & The Liebster Award from the wonderful LilRant!  

Please check out her blog, she has great thoughts and an awesome personality! 🙂

5 Random Facts About Me! 

1. I Love Cheese Puffs. Cheetos give me life every time!

2. I love the smell of books! There’s just something about a good bookstore…. Continue reading