If You Want Certain Privileges…..Where The Ring At?!!

Put ring on it.gif

When is there a time to be home when u ARE NOT MARRIED?



Men seem to always want to tell women when to be home and when to do other things BUT when it comes to them, they want freedom to do as they please?!!


For those that don’t know the abbreviation, it’s Get The Fuck Outta Here!

They call being home at 11pm a safety reason.


So then you should be home too.

When I used to go out with my friends I would come home at 1am from the bars.

I was never too drunk to get home.

But back to the matter at hand…..

Where’s my ring?

2nd man that wants marriage privileges but no ring.


My ex was the same way.

He claimed he didn’t like when I would go out and then come home late without him.

Then it’s like if you invite them, they don’t go anyway… sooo what’s the point?!

But you want these wife duties without the real commitment!

They always do that.

Talk about it’s a test for commitment.

No it’s NOT! It’s CONTROL!

Lord when they don’t get to control situations, they go crazy.

A woman in a relationship is going to do her part, but also respect her own independence.

A woman in marriage adds to what she did in a relationship.

I have never been married, but I see that married women respect their husband’s wishes mostly because that’s their husband.

You won’t catch me saying “My bf says I gotta be home by 11.”

Now, If I were married, then perhaps I might respect it.

Hell I rarely have friends and the ones I have now are mothers and mothers to be but back when we used to have fun and party shhiieeetttttt it was a good time!

If a woman is out with friends having a good time, she should never feel obligated to return home when she is not ready too.

Plus the party don’t start until 11!!! Who leaves when it’s just getting started??

This is an issue for me as you see due to the fact that a year ago my bf and I argued over a time I should be home.

He got robbed in his old hometown for his chain around 11pm (Welcome to NY people) sooooo he now thinks 11pm is a bad time to be “running the streets”

But you can drive for uber beyond 11pm?? PLEASE!

Mind you, if you so NY then you would know anytime in the nighttime when you are roaming the streets NOT to have flashy jewelry on!!!! You NEVER know who is watching!!!

Just because you wear fashionable clothes and feel like you the shit, someone WILL take you off your high horse and show you that you just another Bronx boy or man walking home.

When I know I need to take the train home past 9pm, I take off any jewelry and put it in my purse and don’t fall asleep on the train! I also watch my surroundings.

Hell, If I even wear a certain pair of sneakers if I know I am going to be out late. Example, I won’t wear the new Jordan’s if I know that makes me bait after hours.

It’s just common sense!

Even though NY is being gentrified right now, that don’t mean there aren’t thieves still lurking around.

Anyways with that I say he has been scarred for life.

Mind you, I once ran away from home as a teen after 12am and walked 30 mins to my grandma’s house.

But I still enjoyed LIFE with friends at bars and such after that time.

Even if I were in his situation, I can’t let that make me choose a time to be home.

That’s dumb. Most jobs end past 11pm.

But like I said he was trying to establish too much way too soon and we still in the single status.


Everyone is single until married and yet people get offended when you mention that. A relationship is bf and gf but when you apply for things it asks “Single or Married?”

These men also want you to be a

Housewife wit no ring

Then get mad when you refuse! HELLOOOOOO the name itself speaks! A wife that takes care of the house is a housewife. She is home cooking, cleaning and watching the babies.

PLUS if you can’t AFFORD to make her a housewife, don’t insist she become one.

The nerve!

The most top favorite one is….

Baby with no ring!

A lot of men have baby mamas and no mother of their children.

For their own reasons.


When I was carrying my baby Kaitlyn, at least his family asked him when is he going to marry me since I am carrying his baby.

That’s right fam! Pressure him!

But I have a certain amount of patience before I start to wonder…..

So with this I say, Ladies control yourself while maintaining respect for your man.

Just don’t find yourself saying “I can’t because my man said…..”

and then regretting it later.

If he trying to have wifely things happen but there is NO RING, ask him

Where my ring at? Are we getting married? Eloped?

Talk to me readers. Ever been in a situation where they want you to do something and you are not married? Did you do it or did you respect your independence?

Catch Shade any time of the day! Shade is on Facebook! https://facebook.com/shadebutnoshade

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11 thoughts on “If You Want Certain Privileges…..Where The Ring At?!!

  1. Yes. Regret it but been married since Noah’s flood now so it is what it is. What I do tell new couples…especially the women, is to not lose themselves in the relationship!🙏🏽❤️

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